The Ultrawest STATS Trend Reports provide information to equip index investors to be on the right side of the market. The Report has three components:
Overall market analysis of the broad US equities markets as represented by indexes such as the S&P 500 (large caps), NASDAQ Composite (technology) and Russell 2000 (small caps).
Identification of trend changes of these broad markets as they occur, providing real-time signals for index investors to enter and exit positions using index funds (ETFs and mutual funds). Specific signals are provided for the major equity indexes such as the S&P 500, NASDAQ and Russell 2000 . These signals can be used by various types of investors, including self-directed individual investors and investors with retirement IRA and 401(k) or TSP accounts. This information is also appropriate for managed accounts by financial professionals.
Access to the up-to-date Ultrawest STATS model portfolio. This portfolio consists of a single ETF that is personally traded live by Ultrawest Research founder Ed Sadowski, using his proprietary STATS system.